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Young people sharing faith, hope and love in Milton Keynes...

Get involved

Each year it takes a whole bunch of people to make our Hope MK events happen, from adults leading teams, adults in support roles, churches/ organisations or individuals hosting projects, young leaders and of course young people!

Hope MK in October usually runs for a whole day between 10:00 - 18:30 during the day there will be activities, workshops and team building with a worship and prayer section from 17:00 included.

Hope Unite in May usually runs between 18:30 - 20:00. The evening includes a time of worship, a message for the young people from a guest appearance and fun games.


Hope MK - Sign up your young person (school years 7-11)

If your child are in school years 7-11 we would love you to sign them up to the event.  Get ready for a whole day of fun, faith building, and meeting new friends!

£25 per young person.  The cost of the event includes activities, a meal and a snack, and a wristband.

The event runs from 10:00 - 18:00 in October with an evening celebration event included 17:00 - 18:00.  The booking process uses PayPal, which is a trusted online payment system.


Hope Unite - Sign up your youth group (school years 7-11)

If you have young people school years 7-11 we would love you to sign your youth group up and come along to the event.  Get ready for a whole evening of fun, worship, and making new friends!

£0 per young person.  The event is free to attend and includes a time of worship, a faith building message from a special guest, games, and a snack and a free Hope MK wristband!.

The event runs from 18:30 - 20:00 on Sunday September 15th.


Hope MK - Sign up to be a young leader (School year 12&13)

If you are in school year 12 or 13 we would love you to sign up as a young leader.  Get ready for a whole day of fun, volunteering, role modelling, faith stretching, meeting new friends and encouraging younger young people!

£25 per young leader.  The cost of the event includes activities, a meal and a snack, a branded hoodie, water bottle and a wristband.

Young leaders are also expected to attend a young leader equipping session to help give you all the tools needed to be a young leader and enable you to know what is expected of you and how you can use and grow your skills at Hope MK.  We also ask young leaders to attend a vital info briefing for adults and young leaders (and if possible, help set up too) on the morning of the event.

The cost of each place is subsidised already by donations – please speak to your youth leader or church leader if you would struggle to pay the cost as some churches have agreed to further subsidise places of their members.  The booking process uses PayPal, which is a trusted online payment system.

Before you start the form, you’ll need permission for us to get a reference from your youth leader or your church leader and you'll need your DBS number if you have one.


Hope Unite - Sign up to be a young leader (School year 12&13)

If you are in school year 12 or 13 we would love you to sign up as a young leader.  Get ready for a whole evening of fun, volunteering, role modelling, faith stretching, meeting new friends and encouraging younger young people!

The event is free to attend, the event includes activities, a snack and a free Hope MK Wristband!

Young leaders are also expected to attend a young leader equipping session to help give you all the tools needed to be a young leader and enable you to know what is expected of you and how you can use and grow your skills at Hope MK.  We also ask young leaders to attend a vital info briefing for adults and young leaders (and if possible, help set up too) before the event.

The cost of each place is subsidised already by donations – please speak to your youth leader or church leader if you would struggle to pay the cost as some churches have agreed to further subsidise places of their members.  The booking process uses PayPal, which is a trusted online payment system.

Before you start the form, you’ll need permission for us to get a reference from your youth leader or your church leader and you'll need your DBS number if you have one.


Hope MK - Apply to be an adult volunteer (Aged 18 and above)

If you are 18 or over (university age or beyond) and have experience or a passion for leading or encouraging young people to grow in faith we would love you to sign up to be an adult leader. 

Get ready for a whole day of fun, faithful serving, role modelling, faith stretching, meeting new friends and encouraging young people!

You will be asked to pay £10 which includes activities, lunch, and a wristband.

There are different roles for adults including leading or co-leading a team of young people, hosting a project, pastoral care team, worship, photos/video/production, catering, admin, mini bus driving and other venue support roles.  If you are not sure which role is best for you, please get in touch we’d love to meet you for coffee and chat about the possibilities.

All adult leaders are also expected to attend an adult leader equipping session to help give you all the tools needed to be an adult leader at the event and enable you to know what is expected of you and how you can use and grow your skills at Hope MK.  We also ask adult leaders to attend a vital info briefing for adults and young leaders (and if possible, help set up too) on the Saturday morning before the event.

The cost of each place is subsidised already by donations – please speak to your church leader if you would struggle to pay the cost as they may be willing to subsidise your place further.  The booking process uses PayPal, which is a trusted online payment system.

Before you start the form, you’ll need permission for us to get a reference from your church leader and your DBS number if you have one.


Hope unite - Apply to be an adult volunteer (Aged 18 and above)

If you are 18 or over (university age or beyond) and have experience or a passion for leading or encouraging young people to grow in faith we would love you to sign up to be an adult leader. 

Get ready for an evening of fun, faithful serving, role modelling, faith stretching, meeting new friends and encouraging young people!

The event is free to attend you will have tea and coffee available to you.

There are different roles for adults including leading or co-leading a team of young people, pastoral care team, worship, photos/video/production, admin, and other venue support roles.  If you are not sure which role is best for you, please get in touch we’d love to meet you for coffee and chat about the possibilities.

All adult leaders are also expected to attend an adult leader equipping session to help give you all the tools needed to be an adult leader at the event and enable you to know what is expected of you and how you can use and grow your skills at Hope MK.  We also ask adult leaders to attend a vital info briefing for adults and young leaders (and if possible, help set up too) on the Sunday afternoon before the event.

Before you start the form, you’ll need permission for us to get a reference from your church leader and your DBS number if you have one.


Host a project

Each year we have around 16 projects which are run and organised by churches, local organisations, councils, schools and individuals. 

Project hosts usually organise up to 4 days of activities in the afternoons each day of the event, these range from social action in the community; (painting, gardening, litter picking, visual improvements) or interacting with the public (messy church, holiday clubs, drop and play sports, family drop in sessions or giving away free food) or evangelism (praying for people on the street, engaging in conversation, prophecy etc).  The aim of projects is to provide a mission opportunity for your church/organisation in your community and for the Hope MK team to have the chance to serve and spread hope, love and joy through their actions.

The best projects are those that are planned early that help meet the needs of the specific community and that have varied tasks for the young people to get stuck into.  Teams attend the same project each day, so you’ll really get to know them.  In some cases we can accommodate projects less than 4 days long, especially if we can pair up multiple 1 or 2 day projects, so if hosting for 4 days seems like too much but you'd be keen to host a project for 1 or 2 days please do get in touch anyway.

On the whole each project is funded by the church/organisation hosting it and is covered by their liability insurance.  However, in some circumstances we are able to cover some costs or provide equipment if you let us know well in advance.

Download the pdf project planning pack for a rough guide, and more info about hosting a project.  All projects must complete a project planning form and risk assessment which is at the end of the project planning pack.


Pray for us

We believe prayer makes a difference because God hears us and gives good gifts to those who follow Him.  If you are a believer we’d love you to pray for us, the people, the preparations and the event.  As the event gets nearer there will be a list here of things we’d love prayer for.
